EBRO and his B-35
We tell how EBRO was formed and created its first vehicle, the B-35
In 1954 Ford decided to leave the Ford Motor Ibérica factory and was put in charge of a group of Spanish businessmen, and a year later it was renamed Motor Ibérica S.A. From that moment on, the products under the new “Ebro” brand began to be manufactured and marketed. As a curious fact, it was named EBRO, as the name most similar to the best-known river in England (Thames).
Motor Ibérica kept its commitments with Ford and continued trading in Spain. These were mainly FordSon agricultural tractors and the Ford Thames super 55 truck and the Ebro B-35. In 1955 and knowing the good solvency of the Ford Thames, Ebro launched the B-35 model on the market, which was a literal copy of the Ford Thames ET6.
This was a light truck with a 4x2 layout and suitable for a total weight of 6000Kg. Its cabin had been designed by the English company Briggs Bodies and basically, it was identical to those that other brands such as Leyland had, with its Comet or Dodge model, with the Kew.
The B-35, was designed for a payload of four tons, and equipped with a four-cylinder Ebro engine, which offered 70 hp. Motor Ibérica's claim was to occupy a niche in the segment of medium tonnage industrial vehicles. This segment, dragged a park of the most varied, product of a painful postwar period. To keep them running, vehicles were "patched" to such an extent that they were sometimes unrecognizable. The lack of raw materials, spare parts and tools made it very difficult to tackle a model of our own, so an experienced and developed model was used.
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